Labels:crt screen | monitor | reckoner | sky OCR: 21 careers at a glance for would-be job jumpers The ideal job would be prestigious high paying and east to get into- -but Juare higher statua. And retuil stockbrokers make good pay with tattle specia rnat iobs aren't ideal aa this overview of aclecteu occuputions shows. Vet- training. but prestige 35 middling. (The prestige scale, by the Natiomal erun carpenters. for example earn more than nurses do though the latter Ominion Research Center, ranges from Jow of i to a. high 100.) OCCUPATION APPHOXIMATE PREREOUISTTE ROOKIS. PRESTIGD COMMENTE TIME/COST YRTRAININ 10-YDAT SCORI TOTRAIN VETERANS Sacondary-school Two yeurs B.A or D.S 319 600. Th educate the off'snring ofthe baby boomer scnools will need around 195 tmore teachor 316.000 $29, 600 secondar. -school tenchers 400G Salaries though stil ...